Dentists Guild

Guild companies in Berlin and Brandenburg are experts for quality-assured supply of dentures Berlin/Brandenburg, January 2010. “- The dental technician trade in Berlin and Brandenburg supported the nationwide image campaign of the German craft, with the slogan the craft economy power next door” was officially launched at the weekend by the Central Association of the German trade (ZDH). As one of five health crafts, the dental technician craft is an important part of the German trade. The dental laboratories of master of the Guild are Berlin-Brandenburg as a place near partner of dentists for craftsmanship quality and precision work. These advantages of the residence-based alternatives with dentures press the Guild laboratories with their umbrella brand Q_AMZ”off. AMZ Alliance masterful dentistry all Guild establishments in Germany are. The about 300 Guild establishments in Berlin-Brandenburg provide team with dentists for perfect function, good looks and durability of Dental restorations.

The industry-specific This high quality documented quality certification for QS-dental: according to QS-dental master operation occupied with a successful test its quality to dental work. More Guild laboratories to implement this. Patient and dentist can trust that the Guild master lab provides the whole variety of dental solutions with high expertise. That makes the guilds master farms of 1 address, when it comes to quality secure the supply of dental prostheses”, so country Guild master of the dental technicians Guild Berlin-Brandenburg, Karlfried Hesse. The German dental technology level is very high compared to many other countries.

Reasons for this are among the good education standards and the strict regulation, concerning the quality of the materials used. So, all German Champion laboratories undertake that the prosthesis is manufactured according to the specifications of the German medical product Act and thus complies with the quality requirements in Germany. 60,000 qualified professionals in Germany, the rapid and comprehensive implementation of technical progress at an incomparably high level in the quality, safety and technical diversity guarantee the population close to place of residence. Thus, the dental technician trade is a strong economic factor in the service of health. Find out at:

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