Exactly in the exit of the labyrinth, however to arrive necessary Xuxinha of aid there, therefore it can lose itself and never more to find its cozinho. Who likes music cannot leave to play ‘ ‘ Xuxa Mixer’ ‘. In this game, the child is the DJ and can take off sound of the instruments as to want. It can mix sound of the keyboard with the one of the guitar or of the drum and to create an interesting and very only sound. if it will be with amiguinhos in house, soon, the party already can start, therefore the sound already will be guaranteed. Xuxinha is a girl who adores color. It finds that the life is prettier if everything will be coloring, therefore it asks for to the aid of the amiguinhos online to leave its still more pretty life. It made some drawings of its tricks, but they not yet are complete, therefore she lacks the main one: color.
Thus, ‘ appeared the game; ‘ We go to paint with the Xuxa’ ‘. Four drawings are well bacana that must be painted. The options of colors are many, then Xuxinha will be able to have some drawings with different colors. Optimum is that the drawings can be printed matters. The crianada one can play with the games of the Xuxa how many times to desire, since they are gratuitous and are the disposal for who want to have fun themselves and to play. Therefore, it enters in the site and it sees the games. With certainty, its children go to approve the tricks with Xuxinha.