There are, for example, a choice in the field of real estate credit for earners, such as for example the Volltilgerdarlehen. The Volltilgerdarlehen means that the loan term is identical to the duration of the interest rate. For example an interest rate agreed by 15 years, the loan is completely extinguished after 15 years. Although the repayment burden for these real estate loans is higher than for “ordinary” annuity loans with an initial repayment of usually one percent, but the borrower that has a high interest rate and calculation security. Because, as the term is identical with the duration of interest binding, there is no risk for the borrower, that interest rates could increase later. The installment repayment loans as another alternative while continuously changed the proportion of repayment of the credit rate of the annuity loan namely rises, stands with the installment repayment loans as more mortgage variant an alternative available, in which the amount of the repayment over the entire period across is not modified. Such mortgage are that although the monthly burden higher than annuity loans, the loan for it but also faster is repaid also referred to as repayment loans are primarily as a result of.
In addition, the load is continuously low that eradication remains same, the interest burden but as a result of repayment clearing is always low. Mortgage loan for seniors also for retirees retirees, there are optimal solutions have it remains difficult to get a mortgage because most banks set a specific age limit with regard to the borrower of usually 60 years, when it comes to the introduction of a real estate loan. Information on this topic can be found on Yet is it because various providers, allocated to pensioners, also a mortgage basically have Retired as a borrower even benefits. So the income is stable can no longer fall away, as it may be the case with every worker in order for cancellation or the disability. And the age of course increasing risk of death can cover about a credit insurance. Although a higher proportion of equity capital is required for the credit for pensioners often or the loan amount limits, but still is at least the possibility to be able to perform even a real estate financing, for example for necessary remedial measures even in retirement. More info mortgage – financing models for everyone mortgage calculation example – mortgage calculation in detail