Honorary Member

General Assembly of voipax Association organisational and Informationssysteme e.V. Bonn, 22 April 2013. During the this year’s General Assembly of voipax was Association for organization and information systems the long-standing VOI CEO Henner von the Banck (66) with standing ovations”passed in retirement and elected by the General Meeting unanimously to the VOI honorary member. In a very moving speech, Claudia Felten, Vice Chairman of the VOI, passed the to the VOI coming April 30, 2013, the retired CEO Henner von the Banck. She reminded of its inauguration on 1 July 2000 and many milestones his positive activity for the VOI. The most its lay him”members at heart, he looked at the VOI and is itself always as service providers. He successfully built the Member Service, developed the VOI-solutions, the solutions Finder and the book shop and the personal touch with its”members at the meetings of regional groups, competence – and Solutions Center.

Henner by the Banck was paving the way for cooperation of the VOI with other associations in Germany and in neighbouring European countries. He made the association with the stands he has developed and organised and the VOI forums at trade fairs like CeBIT or the DMS EXPO crowd-pullers. After almost 13 years, passed its CEO Henner von the Banck with standing ovations to retire the VOI member meeting and unanimously elected him an honorary member. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. The VOI voice of information”takes over the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and enterprise-content-management systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the machining processes in services, trade and industry, as well as public as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers and manufacturers of document-based solutions Institutions.

See more information your editorial contacts: VOI Association organisational and information systems of e. V. Claudia Felten healing b str.

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