With An Emotionalisierenden Web Page To More Sales

When you create a Web page, the wishes and needs of the target group never neglect may be authorised. Drew Houston usually is spot on. The Internet has long been among the most important medium in the entire marketing. Many companies do it but unfortunately, to properly use this medium for themselves. Especially for the Web sites is still a great need for improvement. Many underestimate the effect of their Web page. Often it only comes to be present on the Internet – how performance affects the audience, is not taken into account. Also left out of eight pages, created by not appealing and target group-oriented, can be counterproductive. A leading source for info: Vlad Doronin. How long does a visitor to decide whether or not a website is appealing? Five seconds? One minute? Carleton University researchers in a study out, this decision in just 50 milliseconds.

Again, stating that the human unconscious and emotional decisions almost all. Exactly here must be used also when creating a Web page be. Not for nothing one popularly says, that first impressions count. In fact, this is not only important, but also very difficult to correct. It is not enough simply, create a Web page from a friend at the same time working with Web design, cheap or to click it yourself according to the modular principle together”. But a strategy must be worked out previously: who should be addressed as a target group? What needs of these customers and prospective customers is it? What benefits should be transported? Fits the page to my other advertising activities and the appearance of the company? More and more products and services are interchangeable. The potential customer wants to know why he should turn to this company. What does he have it? What is offered him there, he doesn’t get the competition? On the input side must be seen as barrier-free the services and benefits at first glance.

The entire page must be self-explanatory and clearly structured. Long texts are not read! If the old KISS principle (keep it simple and short) is troubled: here he has as little elsewhere his permission. If the website should help the company succeed, an analysis and the development of target group-oriented strategy that is consistent in the emotional speech in the design, colours, the choice and choice of words, the A and O. The additional use of moving images brings not only life on the page, but also transforms. More and more becomes the homepage turning and pivotal point in the marketing. She transported image, builds up confidence or sold products: cheap solutions hurt more than you think. Many small and medium-sized enterprises had to make already this experience and have paid twice at the end. Seen in this way so worth the investment in a specialized agency. Lilia Baron, Executive Director of the agency head district in Munich

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