Site created so that more users can learn about our work, ask questions and get a professional response to it, with our help to solve the problem of designing apartments, houses, plots, office. There is no reason alone to do tricky – architecture or a small part. Romans said: "Bread and circuses!". Nothing, in principle, has not changed – we need food, clothing, housing, work, recreation and entertainment. In our climate, unlike the Romans, and need more clothes and all sorts of different areas.
As well as in apparel, housing is the tradition, fashion, technological progress. And at the same time, our home and our clothes are very individual. And this is wonderful! Environment in which we live is not the best thing created by our predecessors. It is important not to continue this traditsiyu.Cheloveku need useful and healthy food, comfortable high-quality clothing and shelter – a convenient, high quality and, most importantly, healthy. For your comfort and pleasure (the so-called quality of life) the person requires not only money but also time that would be how to think over, and the information that would make the right decision. Information is actually a lot, but the home environment, safety, building materials, air cleaning, etc. is not enough.
By and large, the architect and must perform all these functions – to help people minimize costs at the idea stage, to find and use the information you need to leave the possibility of change, to find the least harmful to human materials (construction, decoration, equipment, etc.), and together come up with (projected) to create something individual, new, and last but not least, beautiful. Thus, gradually come to believe that architecture, as a habitat, the subject for each personal, individual and changed periodically. And it is important everyone to understand how his environment changed for the better. At all times, and the era of architecture (the creation of artificial human environment) was an important part of the existence of all civilizations. And to this day it basic canons – the good, the strength, beauty – do not lose their aktualnosti.Polza. Reasonable accommodation necessary premises and rational ways to travel between them. Meaningful arrangement of furniture and additional equipment. The use of natural lighting and competent binding sources of artificial sveta.Prochnost. Justified selected building materials and precise calculations of constructions. Properly executed drawings and detailed elaboration of the details. Modern technologies and requirements necessary to conduct rabot.Krasota. Unified style or sound decision fusion of different styles. A proportionate combination of parts interiors or exteriors of buildings in the composite conception. Color and light. Texture and texture. Total gamma or kontrast.Sozdat space-planning decision or a good plan, arrange the furniture or to place equipment, interior design or landscaping to solve the issue you can join us by going to