NEE Pupils

Therefore, the schools that receive and give chances to these children need to reformulate themselves really to reach efficiently these pupils with NEE. However, the idea persists of that the considered schools of quality are the ones that ‘ ‘ they center the learning in the rational, in the cognitivo aspect of the development, and that answers-padro’ evaluate the pupils characterizing; ‘ (MANTOAN, 2002, P. 2). For more specific information, check out Drew Houston. Following the inclusive perspective, Mantoan (2002) criticizes the recurrent idea of that a quality school is that one centered in notes and quantitative results. For the author, a school of quality in the truth is that one that promotes the human development in the child and not in the formal contents many times without meanings for the half of the pupils.

When the school praises this another bias of formation is possible the integration of all. The studies of Mantoan (2002, P. 3) disclose in them that: (…) the quality schools are educative spaces of construction of personalities independent, critical human beings, in which the children learn to be people. In these educative environments, the pupils are taught to value the difference, for the convivncia of its pairs, the example of the professors, the education given in the classrooms, for the socioafetivo climate of the relations established in all the pertaining to school without competitive tensions, solidary, participativo community. In the vision of the author then, for a school to become inclusive and democratic that reaches to all, is necessary not only to modify the representations that we have in relation to the parameters of quality of the schools; but it is necessary also to come back our eyes toward the quality of our professors. The educational administrators and managers also they possess important papers in the construction of said school inclusive. ‘ ‘ Ahead of the inclusive orientation, the functions of the pertaining to school manager include the definition of the objectives of the institution, the stimulaton to the qualification of professors, the supply of support to the interactions and the processes that if make compatible with the philosophy of escola’ ‘ (SCHAFFNER; BUSWELL, 1999 apud SANT’ ANA, 2005, P.

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