Its conviction that it would never happen a miracle declined. And God responded with being able. The health took place on Arming. The same onclogo could not give credit to the new results. The miracle happened! Pardon and victory One of the greatest miracles than God do in ours life, is to pardon our sins. Thanks to the work of Mr. Jesus Christ, it offers a new opportunity us.
By the work of Jesus in the cross, a chapter without writing is abre in front of us, that takes to us to begin again. Knowledge that we are pardoned, must take to us to express just like the sacred author when it wrote: With all the forces of my being I will praise God! With all the forces of my being it I will praise and remember all kindness! My God pardoned to me all the evil that I have done (Psalm 103:1 – 3 a. Version in Simple Language, SBU) If you have to Jesus Christ in his heart, creates it: the miracles are available for you. Why I say this to him? Because many people try to receive miracles of God although they move in the sin, deliberately and even, solazando itself in its behavior. Pdale to God the health! The Bible teaches to us that God, besides pardoning to us, is the supplier of our physical health: gave back the health to me, it freed to me of the death,it filled to me of love and tenderness! My God gives always all the best one me; me it makes strong like the eagles! (Psalm 103:3 b Version in Simple Language, SBU) the miracles are to their reach. It remembers that God not only can but wants to build wonders and prodigies in its existence. But it is necessary, at least, that it makes three things: first, to return its glance to God; second, to pray to Him, and third, to perseverar.