Brazil Ensino

However, another objective is to understand as the professors are working with the education of the Art in the schools, mainly with the question of the influence of the Arts that happen in the daily rejection of the school, in the life of the pupils who are part of an education of mass and as these are being boarded in the classrooms. Some studious thinkers and if worry about Ensino of the Art in the schools. these practical studies and will be argued throughout the work for better recital of the here boarded subject. 1. EDUCATION OF the ART IN BRAZIL In Brazil Ensino of the Art comes suffering some modifications throughout the years. At the beginning the art emphasized the drawing, the examined copy of the object and the professor was the absolute owner of truth. The drawing served as motor coordination, precision, to learn techniques that were useful to the professional life.

In the traditional pedagogia the process of acquisition of the knowledge is considered through intellectual elaborations and on the basis of the models of thoughts developed for the adults the application of such idea scrumbles it an education, disentailed of the aspects of the daily one and with emphasis exclusively in the professor who passes the pupils ' ' informaes' ' considered absolute truths. (FUSSARI & FERRAZ, 1993, p.23) Later, in years 50 and 60, the art if gave on the influence of the New School, directing education for the free expression, valuing the creativity in the education of the Art without if worrying about the artistic knowledge and yes valuing a conception espontanesta. In this vision, Romanowski comments that the professor in this trend: it is seen as mediating to promote the learning the professor is facilitador, artist or clinical professional who must use its wisdom, experience and creativity to act in the promotion of the conditions of the development, for the learning of its pupils.

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